10 Plants That Improve Indoor Air Quality That Are Safe For Pets

While I’d love the air in my home to be more healthy and of a higher quality, I definitely wouldn’t want to inadvertently poison a furry friend. We’ll cover the Top 10 detoxifying plants that are safe for cats and dogs.

10 SAFE Plants for Pets That DE-TOXIFY The Air

1. Areca PalmAreca palm safe for cats and dogs

Helps to remove toluene and xylene from the air and can help to increase overall air purification.

Great for those who may have asthma or require effective air purification.

2. Money Plant

Money plant safe for cats and dogs
Helps to reduce the toxins benzene, formaldehyde, toluene and xylene from the air. It can also help to increase overall air quality and purification.

Great for asthmatics, those with lung conditions, and people who are exposed to high city smog living conditions.

3. Spider Plant
Spider plant safe for cats and dogs
Promotes high air purification. It’s suitable for helping to decrease exposure to formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene.

Great for placing in homes that have been freshly painted. Also suitable for apartments or homes that are exposed to big city chemical air pollutants.

4. Bamboo Palm
 Bamboo palm safe for cats and dogs
Helps to remove formaldehyde and is suitable for acting as a natural humidifier for most indoor areas. It can also help to remove xylene and toluene.

Great for those who live in high air pollution areas and areas where car fume exposure exists. Suitable for placing in homes or shops which may be exposed to gasoline.

5. Variegated Wax Plant
Variegated wax plant safe for cats and dogs
Helps to improve overall air quality by removing benzene and formaldehyde from the air. This plant can also increase overall air purification.

Can help people who suffer from lung conditions such as emphysema or asthma. It’s also beneficial for those who are exposed to car fumes, petrol, paint fumes, industrial or city smog, or heavy cleaning products.

6. Boston Fern
Boston fern safe for cats and dogsBenefits:
Helps to remove formaldehyde from the air and is said to act as a natural type of air humidifier. This plant can also remove xylene and toluene. It is said to be one of the best houseplants for air purification.
Great for those living or working in areas where exposure to gasoline exists. They’re ideal for homes exposed to city smog, and are suitable for those who may have asthma or breathing conditions.
7. Moth Orchids
Moth orchids safe for cats and dogs
Ideal for helping to increase purification of the air within homes. They are suitable for removing xylene and toluene and can increase air quality.

Great for homes that are exposed to factory or city smog, smoke, or fumes. They are also suitable for homes which are freshly painted or where paint fumes exist.

8. Barberton Daisy
 Barberton Daisy safe for cats and dogs
Great plant for removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from your home. It is ideal for increasing the overall oxygen levels within the home and can help purify the air.

Best for homes and people who are exposed to fuel fumes, car fumes, factory or large city smog, and smoke. It can also help those who are exposed to heavy cleaning solvents.

9. Dwarf Date Palm
Helps to reduce common toxins xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air. This plant can also help to promote increase oxygen levels, and is able to improve air quality in highly exposed areas.

Great for placing in homes that may be exposed to paint fumes, factory smog, car fumes, or heavy cleaning solvents. It can help improve air quality for asthmatics and those with different lung conditions.

10. Lilyturf

Helps to remove ammonia, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air. This plant is capable of increasing oxygen levels and can help to improve air quality.

Great for people who are exposed to cleaning products, paint fumes, city or factory smog, or vehicle fumes. This plant can help clean the air for those with common lung conditions including emphysema and asthma.

Indoor plants are beautiful additions to any interior,
but they do more than add to the aesthetics of your home.

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