You Know You Have Too Many Cats When -

"Even your coffee table has a slip cover."

"Every year you get a personally autographed Christmas card from Morris." 

"All your windowsills are occupied."

"For Mothers Day last year the kids pooled their money and bought you an electric cat brush.
  • More than half your mail comes from Purina and Friskies. 
  • The most important crop in your garden every year is catnip. 
  • You actually understand what your cats are saying. 
  • You and your spouse are sleeping on the floor because there's no more room in the bed. 
  • You have to change the vacuum cleaner bags every week. 
  • Your cat door has been replaced three times. 
  • Your last three cats are named Puss, Kitty Cat, and Hey You. 
  • Your neighbors forget your last name and start referring to you as "you know, the cat people." 
  • The cleaning lady at the vet's office calls you by your first name. 
  • You can't remember what a house plant looks like. 
  • You're running out of corners to put litter boxes in. 
Quotes by Kathie Freeman


Animals can be adopted from the Humane Society, SPCA, adopted from a rescue group or rescued off the street, their contribution to the household they are in, is invaluable.