Secrets Revealed Of How to Read Your Cat's Mind

Some people think animals can read our minds. Can we do the same? Pet psychics insist the answer is "Yes, you can" - with a little work, of course. And here, they tell us how.

But remember, whether or not you communicate telepathically with your pet, the bottom line is that it's fun, safe and it'll give you a chance to spend quality time with your pet. You don't need to be a psychic to know that's what really counts.

Step 1. Believe in your psychic ability. You can tune in to your pet because we are all born with the ability to communicate telepathically, says Raphaela Pope, a pet psychic from Davis,Calif., who believes she connects mentally with Peter, her nine-year-old golden retriever-great Pyrenees mix. Just keep an open mind, she says.

Step 2. Think of pets as equal beings. Some people think that pets are of a lower order. "Not true," says Pope."Don't think that because your cat, bird, fish, lizard, chinchilla or chicken is small in stature that her world view is narrow or limited."

Step 3. Prepare with meditation. Learn to quiet your mind and focus. It will help you to detach from the hecticpace of daily life. Spend 10-15 minutes meditating before you tune into your pet.

Step 4. Take a good hard look. Sit with your pet and observe her from head-to-paw. Fix your eyes on her, homing inon her deepest feelings and thoughts. "Notice your pet's facial expressions and body language," advises pet psychic Laura Simpson of Finland, Minn. "It's the beginning of communication.

Step 5. You've got mail. Here it is - the first greeting from your pet. "When you are in a truly quiet state," says Pope, "you can see the thoughts, feelings and pictures that come from the animal. We are all reasonably good at projecting out," she adds. "The tough part is receiving. Keep yourself quiet and open." 

Step 6. Speak up - it's communication time. "Gently reach out and ask your pet a simple question in your head. Keep it simple and don't expect a complicated answer," says Simpson.

Step 7. Go with the first response. "Don't ask 'Is this real?' Just observe your pet's answer," advises Simpson. "Be detached from the outcome."

Step 8. Practice makes perfect. Practice sending messages back and forth with your pet. Once you have the hang of it, chat it up with your pet as if she were a child, suggests Simpson. "Have fun. You might even want to include some of her input in your household decisions."

Step 9. It's time to tune out. Pets are capable of thought, feelings and emotion. So don't be rude let your pet know that you are signing off. Try to set a regular time to communicate with your pet each day.

Step 10. So did it work? Did you and Fluffy have a yak-fest? Yes? Terrific; enjoy staying in tune with your best bud. No? Oh well, don't give up. You may still be a pet clairvoyant yet.

The following are physical ways to tell what your cat is thinking:

Tell-Tail Signs

Tail position and movement offers insight into your cat's psyche. Basically a cat's tail can be up, down, or sideways; it can be curved or straight; and it can be still or moving. Here's how to interpret the various positions and movements of the tail:
  • Tail tucked – fearful, defensive
  • Tail held at half-mast and moving slowly from side to side – indicates mild interest
  • Tail vertical or straight up – indicates anticipation and/or greeting
  • Tail vertical but curved to one side – indicates playfulness
  • Tail curved over the cat's back – indicates expectation/monitoring
  • Tail held completely to one side in a female – indicates sexual receptivity
  • Tail held low with tip twitching – indicates a stalking, predatory stance
  • Tail frantically switching in wide arcs – indicates heightened affect/aggression
  • Tail puffed up (piloerect) – indicates fear and aggression

Marking Signs
  • Bunting. Your cat may rub or push his face against objects with his forehead, cheeks or chin. What your cat is doing is marking them with subtle biological scents. Some say that a cat's rubbing with the forehead or cheeks indicates affection, but rubbing with the chin is usually reserved for territorial marking.
  • Furniture scratching. Contrary to popular belief, furniture scratching is not the cat's way of sharpening his claws but is a form of visual and scent marking. Your cat's paws are equipped with scent glands to facilitate this function. Territorial concerns will increase furniture scratching/marking and should be addressed if furniture scratching becomes a problem.
  • Marking objects with urine or feces. This is an even more distasteful form of marking behavior to most cat owners. The function is similar to furniture marking signifying an olfactory warning. 
  • Anal sac secretions. Your cat may sometimes discharge his anal sac when in situations of extreme fear. Anal sac secretions are thought to contain a fear pheromone that serves to remind the cat not to pass that way again.

The Ears Have It, Too

A cat's ears can adopt several different positions and for several different reasons:
  • Ears erect and forward - alert, with attention focused ahead
  • Ears swiveled sideways like a swing-wing fighter - on the offensive 
  • Ears pressed backward onto the head giving the appearance of a snake - extreme defense (ears folded back to protect them from harm)
  • One ear forward and one back - ambivalence
  • Ears rotating like radar dishes - listening carefully in an attempt to find the source of the sound.
There are benefits to caring cat owners in obtaining glimpses into the mind of their pet because it enhances their bond with their cat and facilitates communication. 

Head and Body Position

A cat on the offensive often walks directly toward the subject of his angst with his head held low and moving slowly from side to side, with his eyes fixed on the target. When in this mode, your cat will swivel his ears sideways and his body will appear wedge-shaped as his rear legs stiffen. Watch out for this cat - he means business.

When your cat is on the defensive, he will hunker down while backing up and lean away from the threat. His head is sometimes deflected to one side giving the appearance of a sideways glance and he will vocalize (hiss, growl or shriek). 

Other signs of defensive aggression include extension of claws in readiness for a fight, and piloerection (hair raised) - making him appear larger and thus more fearsome. A cat in this posture is less likely to attack than retreat - because he is afraid.

So, next time you are alone with your cat and don't have anything to do, try reading your cat's mind. You'll probably learn something you didn't know before and have a greater understanding because of it.